by Donna Salli | Jun 20, 2016 | Blogs
When I was in my late teens—quiet, a bit shy around people I didn’t know well—I was hanging out one day with my cousin, whom I saw often and who knew me as well as anyone. With members of the family, I felt no reserve, and I was carrying on, chattering, about...
by Donna Salli | Jun 20, 2016 | Blogs
I always knew I was going to write, to be a writer. When I was four, my family lived in town, close to a high school, and I would watch the kids walking by on their way to-and-from school every day. I remember the acute envy I felt. What I don’t remember, but have...
by Donna Salli | Jun 20, 2016 | Blogs
If you live in the sticks, you live with mice. My folks’ farm was in the sticks, a mile off the highway, ringed by woods and swamp, and many an autumn day, Mom opened a dresser drawer in the upstairs bedrooms and found her table linens chewed to shreds. Once, she even...
by Donna Salli | Jun 10, 2016 | Blurbs
After nearly forty years working as a theater director and adaptor of novels and poetry for the stage, I found myself front row center in Donna Salli’s inaugural novel, A Notion of Pelicans, for me a play in five acts. Act One begins on hallowed ground on which now...
by Donna Salli | Jun 10, 2016 | Blurbs
If ever five women had “good” husbands, the five women Donna Salli introduces us to, do. Yet marriages can go askew, even in a lovely little town on huge, wonderful Lake Superior. What better setting for Salli’s fiction, as intimate as a diary, involving family, sex,...
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